Installation Instructions: 1) Drop the database in a directory that is not exposed to the web and the iusr_inetpub has full control over it. If you do put the database in the web path, the IIS administrator may run a utility such as the IIS Lockdown Tool that will change the permissions on the databae, or your source control may change it. 2) Open the functions.asp file, find the function "open_database_connection()". In that function change the path to The physical path that you placed the database. If you don't know, and are forced to put it on your ISP's server under your exposed virtual directory, you can use a server.mappath to get the physical path. 3) Create a folder off of the root (I call mine calender), and place the following files in this folder: calender.asp default.asp default.css event_maint.asp functions.asp view_event.asp 4) Create a folder off the root called "common" and place the following files in this folder: date_time_inc.asp text_formatting_inc.asp If you want to use a name other then common, you will need to change the include file references in the files listed in #3 above. 5) Make a copy of the default.css, and change up the background colors for the classes until you find the color scheme that you like. 6) Put some type of security control on the event_maint.asp page. There is one on in the samples section on the asp101 website. I've got one that I wrote for my whole site, but it's a lot more complicated and harder to maintain. You dont want just anyone putting stuff on your calender.