as of April 02,2004  

Broadband Provider Speed¹ and Service² Reference Table

Cable Modem DSL Satellite

—United States—
Adelphia   3000/256   $43
CableVision 3500/999 $45
Charter 2000/256 $40
Comcast 3300/256 $43
Cox 3000/256 $40
Mediacom 3000/256 $41
TimeWarner 3000/384 $45
Rogers 3000/384 $45
Shaw 1500/192 $43
BlueYonder 1000/256 £35

—United States—
AT&T   768/128   $40
BellSouth   1500/256   $50
Covad 1500/128 $45
Qwest 640/256 $45
SBC 768/256 $37
Sprint 512/128 $53
Verizon 768/128 $35
BellCanada 1500/320 $45
Telus 1500/512 $25
BT 1000/256 £38

—United States—
DirecWay   400/40   $99
StarBand 250/40 $40
StarBand 500/40 $99
¹speed: A speed in this table, like '3000/256', means a maximum transfer rate of 3000 Kbps download and 256 Kbps upload. ²service: Information provided is deemed accurate, but not guaranteed.