How to use the counters

These are the basics, there are more options below.
The format for the html to add a counter to your page is:
< img src="/cgi-bin/counter?link=page-name&style=style">

The bold type characters should be entered exactly as shown
Characters in italics represent a value you must choose.

The convention for the page-name is to use the full path and file name, excluding the extension, starting with your site name, seperated by hypens. For example, if your site is foofoo, and the page is /private/stuff.html, your page-name would be foofoo-private-stuff.
The only exception is the file index.htm, which needs not be included in the name, as in foofoo-private rather than foofoo-private-index.

Below is a chart showing all the currently available styles, you must choose one style from the chart.
beach chalk curly
cyan eggs electric
fancy frozen halloween
handwriting lcd led
neat noisy odometer
oldstyle orange red
scoreboard sf speckled
engraved timex blind

Optional Parameters
Optional parameters are added to the query string by preceeding them with an ampersand (&), just as the style parameter is.
Options include:

The width of the resulting image in counter. Extra zeroes will be added to the beginning. If the width is too short for the number to be displayed, it is lengthened so that all counters may be displayed. Value may range from 0 to 9, default is 4.
< img src="/cgi-bin/counter?link=was&style=odometer&width=0">
This will diplay the count without any leading zeroes

Determines by how much to increment the counter. Using 0 means the counter will not increment. Using a value less than 0 will also result in no increment. Using a value greater than 5 will result in an increment of 5. Value may range from 0 to 5, default is 1.
< img src="/cgi-bin/counter?link=was&style=odometer&inc=2">
This will cause the counter to increment by 2 for every access.

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